Pledges to your organization will be recorded within Finance. The ability to add pledges can be done in various ways, it can be done from the global view of Pledges, or directly from the record that has been enabled for Finance through a Quick Action.
Adding a Pledge from the Global View
To add a pledge from the global view you will navigate to Pledges under Finance.
From the Global View, you will see all pledges that have been recorded and and have the ability to add additional gifts by clicking Add Gift.
You can also add a pledge directly from a record that is enabled for Finance through a Quick Action. If you do not see a Quick Action button to add a pledge contact your system administrator to customize your HighTide platform to allow this. Please note, the name is also customizable, in this instance it says Record Pledge.
When adding a pledge from a Quick Action, by default the record you are navigating from will be added as the Legal Credit Donor.
Adding a Pledge
Within HighTide, the Legal Credit Donor, also known as Hard Credit Donor, is the legal record making the pledge in accordance with IRS regulations. Credit Donor, also known as Soft Credit Donor, is the credit assigned to a record or records for the purpose of donor recognition. A Pledge can also have any other record added to a donation for tracking purposes within Other Connections. To add a pledge you will simply follow the form, adding your Legal Credit Donor, any Credit Donors, as well as Other Connections. After selecting your donors and other connections you will enter the relevant pledge information. First, you select a Category, your organization can control how you want to categorize your gifts. Examples of categories could include, Gift, Pledge Payment, Matching Gift, etc, but you are not limited to your options and can add additional options as needed. It is important to note, removing a category is not possible due to data being attached to the pledge. In the event you want a category removed, you will need to contact support so we can confirm the number of records that would be affected if removed. Next, you will enter the Amount. The amount is the total amount of the pledge and the Pledge Payment will be calculated based on the Frequency and Number of Payments for the pledge commitment. For Example, a $1,200 pledge paid monthly for 12 payments will create 12 scheduled gifts of $100. While entering the pledge information you will see the Pledge information update to allow you to confirm your information prior to saving the pledge.
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